Tuesday, March 06, 2007

How To Get Fresh Prospects For Your MLM Business 24/7

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How To Get Fresh Prospects For Your MLM Business 24/7
By Gavin Martin-Rentz

What if there was something that you could set up once and it would bring in new prospects and downline members for your MLM business forever?

Well let me tell you right now it’s very possible, extremely simple and it isn’t going to cost you much.

Allow me to introducing viral marketing.

Viral marketing is a very powerful form of marketing. The idea behind it is that you do something once and it’ll spread your marketing message around like a virus.

If you start using what you’re about to discover, it’s going to bring in new customers for your MLM business 24/7 without you having to do much work.

Let’s get stuck into how to write and distribute viral ebooks.

Ok, so first of all you need to identify who you’re targeting. Do you want opportunity seekers or product buyers for your MLM business? Keep in mind that there is no limit to the amount of ebooks you can write.

Once you know who you’ll be targeting, you need to write something of interest for that particular market. For example, if you’re going after people to buy your health drink, you could write a report like “7 Ways To Improve Your Health Naturally”. You can see what I’ve written to target the MLM market at http://www.MLM-Secrets.com – it’s free.

Now I don’t want you to worry if you’d rather stab a fork into your hand than write a short ebook. You can hire ghost writers to do it for you, and once you’ve gotten it back you can even put your name as the author and edit it any way you like. Try Elance.com for ghost writers.

Make sure that within your ebook you include links back to your lead capture pages. This is the whole point of this strategy – so you can get new prospects and downline members for your MLM business. Maybe even put a link at the bottom of every page.

Now you’re going to have to decide how you’ll be distributing it.

You can either give it away for free and include redistribution rights so everyone who gets it can then give it away as well – which is what I did at MLM-Secrets.com.

Or you could choose to sell it with reprint rights. Just note that you shouldn’t set the price too high as your main objective is to get it out there and a $97 ticket item will be a lot harder to sell than something for $17 or less.

Whether you sell it or not depends on how much effort you’re willing to put in and if you want to be handling merchant accounts, refunds, customer service, etc.

Ok, here’s the tricky bit. The effectiveness of this strategy relies on how well you do this next part.

How are you going to start it off, so that it spreads around by itself?

Just find a group of publishers in the market you’re targeting and see if you can get them to give away/sell your ebook to their lists.


And once you’ve done this, it’s almost completely impossible to stop. You’re just going to have to put up with unlimited leads for your MLM business.

Remember you can use this strategy as many times as you like. Write different ebooks to bring in new product buyers and opportunity seekers for your MLM business.

About the Author:Gavin The Young Marketer is a bright upcoming entrepreneur from Australia. His main focus at the moment is to help people find MLM success. Go to his MLM Success Secrets website and grab yourself a copy of his free ebook and sign up to his free email course on building a successful online MLM business here: http://www.MLM-Secrets.com

Friday, December 08, 2006

The Number One Most Important Key To Online MLM Success

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The Number One Most Important Key To Online MLM Success
By Gavin Martin-Rentz

If you want to be an online MLM success, there is one thing that you absolutely need to have:

Your own subscriber list and lead capture page.

I know what you’re thinking; “my MLM company already provides me with my own lead capture page, why should I put in the time and effort to make another one from scratch?”

And here are just four reasons why:

  1. Everyone else in your company has the same capture page.
  2. You’re not setting yourself apart from everyone else promoting your product – what makes you so special?
  3. Those contacts are ONLY allowed to be used for promoting the company’s product – you don’t have any leverage.
  4. What if your company goes broke or you leave for something else? – you can’t access those contacts anymore and you have to start from scratch with your new venture.

They’re just a few of the reasons why using your company’s generic lead capture pages is not going to make you an MLM success.

Let me just paint a picture in your mind to demonstrate how powerful having your own list is:

Ok, let’s say you’ve already managed to build your own list of a few hundred to a few thousand targeted subscribers. You’ve also developed a relationship with these people so they trust you and think of you as a leader. You find a new MLM company that catches your eye and you sign up. Then you just send out a single email to your list letting them know that you’ve joined this new company, and include your link. Within a day of sending this out, you could have a new downline of possibly thousands!

I hope you’re starting to see why building your own separate list is so important to your MLM success.

Ok so what exactly is involved in building a subscriber list?

  1. A Domain Name – i.e. www.YourSite.com
  2. Hosting – a certain amount of space on the web where you can upload your website to.
  3. An Auto-Responder – it can send out a sequence of emails automatically to every new subscriber so you can do your selling 24/7, plus you’ll be able to email your list with any new updates, etc.
  4. A Free Bonus – you’ll need something to entice people to subscribe to your list like a free email course or report.
  5. Your Web Copy – you’re going to need to sell visitors on your offer in writing.

This is a very simplistic way of looking at it, but I hope you get the idea of what you need to do. You can check out how I’m using this strategy at MLM Success Secrets here: http://www.MLM-Secrets.com

You want to build a relationship with your subscribers by giving them fresh, useful information, letting them know what you’ve been up to, etc. Just make sure you get your personality across.

If your subscribers know and trust you, they are much more likely to be interested in your MLM opportunity when you tell them about it.

Anyway I hope that after reading this article you’ve come to realise that having your own list of loyal subscribers is the number one key to being an online MLM success.

About the Author:
Gavin The Young Marketer is a bright upcoming entrepreneur from Australia. His main focus at the moment is to help people find MLM success. Go to his MLM Success Secrets website and grab yourself a copy of his free ebook and sign up to his free email course on building a successful online MLM business here: http://www.MLM-Secrets.com

Friday, October 06, 2006

The One Thing That Holds Back 95% Of Network Marketers From MLM Success

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The One Thing That Holds Back 95% Of Network Marketers From MLM Success
By Gavin Martin-Rentz

WARNING: The next sentence may shock you.

Only 10% of your MLM success will ever depend on your marketing, websites, products and the strategies you implement and it’s the reason that 95% of people starting out in network marketing will fail.

But what else is there? I mean that type of stuff is all that anyone tells you about on the internet, and that is exactly why so many fail in MLM and network marketing – they don’t have the other 90% for real MLM success.

Ok so what is the 90%?

It’s the way you think – your mindset.

You need to have the mindset of a successful person, before you can be one.

The perfect example of this is the lottery.

Think about it.

Most of the people who win the lottery end up worse off than when they started. This is simply because they did not know how to handle such large amounts of money, whereas a successful person would have known exactly what to do with it to make it last.

I hope you see for yourself that you need to start thinking as if you were already an MLM success as soon as possible.

Now I know you might be thinking that you can’t act successful before you’ve experienced it first.

Well that’s wrong, and the people who think that will join the rest of the 95% of newbie network marketers that fail.

Ok, so what exactly makes up a successful mindset?

Well, here’s a very simple way for you to start thinking and acting like an MLM success.

I present to you MACCAH™, my theory of a successful mindset:

Mistakes: Embrace mistakes and learn from them. You need to have the ability to look at your mistakes and find out what has gone wrong. You should see each “mistake” as a stepping-stone to your success – after all, Thomas Edison tested thousands of different materials before finding a suitable filament for the incandescent light bulb. Each “mistake” brought him one step closer to success.

Acceptance: When something happens (good or bad) you have to be able to accept it and move on. You will never get anywhere if you’re always wondering what could have happened if you hadn’t done this or if you had done that.

Confidence: This is a very important one. You need to have total and utter confidence in yourself. Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything you do will always work out for the best, no matter what happens.

Constant Learning: You should always be in a state of learning, keeping an open mind to new concepts and strategies. Never ever stop learning, keep on buying new books, courses, tapes, etc, even if you think you know it all, because you never will.

Ask The Right Questions: Asking the right questions will get you the right results. For example: instead of asking yourself “Why am I so poor?”, ask “What actions can I take to become wealthy?”.

Helping Others: The more people that you help to become successful, the more successful you will become. Always look for ways to help others, everything you do should be a win-win situation. Also I encourage you to regularly donate a percentage of your income to charity.

Your mind can’t tell the difference between acting and reality, if you start acting like an MLM success, you are going to start attracting what’s missing.

So start working on your mindset today, study what successful people do. If you can get yourself a mentor, great! But if not, just read up on books, courses, articles, and anything else you can get your hands on.

Start investing in yourself today!

To get you started, I highly recommend you pick yourself up a copy of the timeless classic “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.

About the Author:
Gavin The Young Marketer is a bright upcoming entrepreneur from Australia. His main focus at the moment is to help people find MLM success. Go to his MLM Success Secrets website and grab yourself a copy of his free ebook and sign up to his free email course on building a successful online MLM business here: http://www.MLM-Secrets.com

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Unlimited Advertising For Your Online MLM Business

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Unlimited Advertising For Your Online MLM Business
By Gavin Martin-Rentz

I see this happening all the time:

Someone’s just signed up to this great network marketing company with an awesome product that apparently sells itself. They buy a bunch of leads and call them all up, trying to sell their opportunity.

By the end of the month they’ve had little to no success. Thinking they were just unlucky, they try again next month and buy even more leads. Once again they fail to bring in the results they wanted.

Pretty soon they run out of money, patience and hope before they can reach the success they wanted.

This is not how you build a successful online MLM business. To have a truly successful online MLM business you need to know how to leverage your time properly and have systems in place that do your recruiting, selling and training automatically, 24/7 – so you can focus on the important things like processing orders and networking.

Lack of marketing skills is one of the biggest reasons why 95% of new network marketers will never make it and usually end up worse off than when they started. Simply put, most people who buy into this industry have no idea of how to market effectively and what your company and upline usually tell you to do will be wrong.

There are many ways to market your MLM opportunity, but I’m just going to cover one in this article – an extremely simple yet effective strategy that anyone can use to practically advertise for free and build their online MLM business while they sleep.

Interested yet?

The concept is called a “funded proposal” (thank you Mike Dillard), where you sell an inexpensive retail item related to your product, like an ebook, which makes back some or all of your advertising costs. Within that ebook you can promote your network marketing opportunity and provide your contact information.

There are a couple of things that makes this strategy really good:

Selling the ebook will help pay for your advertising.

When you use this strategy, you’re positioning yourself as a leader in your area – not as a salesperson.

Everyone hates being sold, so if you can sell your product in the form of helpful information, someone is much more likely to buy it. Readers will practically sell themselves on you and what you are offering – which means you only have to write this once and it can do your selling and education for you forever!

Now you might be thinking that you couldn’t write a book yourself.

Well luckily for you, there are a whole heap of other people out there who are more than willing to do it for you!

If you think you don’t know enough about your product or opportunity to write a short ebook to promote it, then hire a ghost writer to do it for you. The beauty of ghost writers is that after you’ve paid them for their efforts you can put your name as the author! Check out Elance.com for someone to write your ebook.

Now there is more to this strategy than what I’ve covered here, but I just wanted you to know that there are always cheaper and easier ways to market your opportunity.

To find out more on how you can build a successful online MLM business from the comfort of your own home go to MLM Success Secrets at http://www.MLM-Secrets.com

About the Author:
Gavin The Young Marketer is a bright upcoming entrepreneur from Australia. His main focus at the moment is to help people find MLM success. Go to his MLM Success Secrets website and grab yourself a copy of his free ebook and sign up to his free email course on building a successful online MLM business here: http://www.MLM-Secrets.com

Monday, October 02, 2006


I've made this blog for anyone who wants free content for their MLM related websites and/or newsletters, plus anyone looking for useful info on becoming an MLM Success Secrets.

I'll be publishing new articles as much as possible so make sure you check back here regularly to look for fresh content that the search engines and you readers love.

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To your success,

The Young Marketer

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Friday, September 22, 2006

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